So, you carry a conceal hand gun or you are a law enforcement officer or security guard and the thug tries to disarm you.
Would you know what to do? This course will teach you how to retain your weapon while holstered or while clearing a room.
Are you prepared, would you know what to do to protect your family, home, vehicle, possessions and your community from the violent mob?
Violence and riots is not new to Israel. Learn the quickest, most effective and easiest shooting method in the world today Israeli Tactical Shooting. Train to survive like the IDF, (Israeli Defense Force.) The shooting tactics of the Israeli Military.
For more information click here to log on to our Israeli Tactical Shooting page.
Are you trained to protect your family if a burglar breaks into your home? You might have a rifle, but have you trained with it tactically? Train like the IDF, Israeli Military. Learn the Israeli Tactical Rifle method. Easy method to use and learn. Extremely safe.
For more information click here to log on to our Israeli Tactical Rifle page.
Learn the basics of surviving active shooter attack. This workshop will augment your chances of surviving an active shooter through situational awareness and tactical defense.
We do the Active Shooter Response workshops at our training center, at your business, church, club or school. This workshop will help augment your chances of surviving a terrorist attack, active shooters or hostage situations.
For more information click here to log on to our Active Shooter Response page.
More and more people are buying firearms since the outbreak of violent mobs, rioting and looting.
This course meets the requirements from the State of Florida for a Concealed Weapon Permit application. Our course includes classroom and range time for the beginner shooter who would like to obtain their concealed carry license for the State of Florida.
House of Worship (Church, Synagogue) Security Team and dignitary protection procedures for Rabbi, Pastor or Priest. This is a complete course to start or enhance your House of Worships Security and Pastoral Protection (Pastor, Rabbi, Priest).
Learn how to deal with unruly people, intruders and active shooter through lecture, defensive tactics, and hands on training.
For more information click here to log on to our Church Security Training page.
Anta’s Women Self Defense workshops empower women to STOP Rape, Assault, Crime, Abuse, and Domestic Violence. Our goal is to empower women to Walk in Peace and be the last one standing when reality strikes!
For more information click here to log on to our Women’s Self Defense page.
Violence is a problem in the Real Estate field. Real Estate agents are often robbed, beaten, kidnapped and sometimes even killed while showing a house for sale.
This workshop will teach Real Estate agents situational awareness and tactical self defense.
For more information click here to log on to our Realty Safety page.
The tactical pen is designed for closed range self defense. You can carry it anywhere you go whether you are a child, teen, adult, male and female.
The tactical pen is simple to use and easy to carry. Everyone can learn simple moves to protect themselves and family. The tactical pen is the great equalizer against a stronger aggressor. Carry it where you can not carry a knife or gun legally.
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